So far, no one seems alarmed by this…except perhaps our ever-vigilant Department of Homeland Security. There’s a rumor going around (or at least there will be if I have anything to say about it) that the DHS is looking into the possibility that terrorists are actually training these chimps to fight on their side against the West.
Let’s face it, when you’re main strategy involves suicide bombers, you’re going to start running low on people sooner or later. But it’s not just chimps, the DHS thinks that other primates may be used as well. Here’s a list of what the DHS believes we may be facing:
The Marmoset Slingshot Battalion
The Lemur Brass knuckle Division
The Capuchin monkey Blowgun Corps
The Orangutan Machete Strike Force
The Howler monkey Switchblade Regiment
The Baboon Baseball bat Squadron
Of course, the DHS doesn’t know for sure when attacks by these furry terrorists might begin, so when ever you find yourself at a circus, zoo or a pet store that sells “exotic” animals…stay alert!
Man will always find new ways to fuck with/up our closest relatives. :(
This was a very funny post!
That was really funny.
I am now feeling inspired to write a song about "War Chimps."
Hopefully, it will pass.
Claire- thanks, the real funny part though is that some of my human relatives would have trouble operating a sharpened stick.
Brent- Well if it doesn't pass, I'd certainly like to hear it.
Yay! Marmosets!
Once trained, they can be stuffed into grenade-shaped containers that burst open on contact with the enemy. The marmosets crawl dazedly out and begin biting anything in sight.
They're teeny, but dangerous.
You got that right FooDaddy. If I'm not mistaken I think a marmoset once pissed on Johnny Carson's head during one of those animal segments he used to do...have we learned nothing!
Excellent rumor. I'll pass it on.
Thanks Sher, once the rumor mill is up and running I can start on conspiracy theories.
Since most of the chimpanzees I see are smoking, drinking, and playing cards, they probably wouldn't be very dependable. So I'm not worried.
Though I am worried that most of the chimps I see are smoking, drinking and playing cards.
Dan- "Though I am worried that most of the chimps I see are smoking, drinking and playing cards."
Yes that is worrisome, but the saddest of all are the crack addicted chimp prostitutes.
Gives new meaning to spanking the monkey!
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