Friday, June 22, 2007

Play that funky music...

The kind and charming HollyGL over at Remedial Rumination recently posted a meme about songs that have made an impact on her life. I don’t do the meme thing myself, but I was inspired enough by her post to take a look back at some of the songs that have made me (and I use the term loosely) the man I am today…

The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze” as performed by The International Silver String Submarine Band: Or as they were better known, the Little Rascals. Although I’m not sure when during that long malaise that was my childhood I first heard this song, I never forgot it.

This performance had it all: shabbily dressed urchins playing homemade instruments and singing off-key, a catchy tune and lyrics about some lecherous aerial acrobat who’s out to steal your girl. What more could a music loving kid ask for?

Kung Fu Fighting” by Carl Douglas: I think I was just starting junior high school when this song came out. Whenever it played on the radio my pals and I, suffering no doubt from some sort of hormonally induced brain damage, would start to flail spastically about, performing what we were convinced were genuine kung fu moves. What a time it was…the joy…the laughter…the broken bones.

"Muskrat Love" by Captain & Tennille: Unfortunately, not every song had a positive impact. After all, in life you have to take the bad with the good and for me this song was as bad as it gets. The cloying melody filled my ears as the saccharine lyrics burned an image of horny aquatic rodents into my brain that would take years of therapy to remove.

"Funky Cold Medina" by Tone Lōc: Probably the greatest song about a transsexual since the Kinks recorded “Lola” way back when…ok, it’s probably the only song about a transsexual since “Lola”. No wait…I forgot about Aerosmith’sDude Looks Like A Lady”, although to be honest, when I first heard that song I thought Steven Tyler was actually singing about himself.

Anyway, in "Funky Cold Medina" there’s a line that goes ‘I don't fool around with no Oscar Meyer wiener’ and why no rival hot dog company ever used that in a commercial is something I’ll never understand.

"Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot: This could be the most personally meaningful song on the list for me. When I heard Sir Mix-a-Lot utter that immortal line ‘I like big butts and I can not lie’…it was like he was reading from my diary.

Whew! I think I need to go lie down… these trips down memory lane are exhausting.

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Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!! :) It was all I had hoped! ...and, for the record, I had a similar reaction when listening to "Kung Fu Fighting". Ah, those were the days.

Blur Ting said...

That's so nice of you to make an exception! You really entertain us all with your writing. Oh, Kung Fu fighting is infectious. I can imagine why you're feeling tired now. I caught you flailing your arms!!

Raymond Betancourt said...

HollyGL- I'm glad you liked it, especially since I mentioned you by name:)

Blur Ting- Thanks...I just hope when you saw me flailing my arms you didn't have a camera ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't begin to tell you how special I feel. I'm serious!

Jaesoreal said...

I remember trying to do the MC hammer and the humpty dance!

Loz said...

I too am flattered by your participation :)

Anonymous said...

Nice twist to the meme, Drive-by ^^.

Raymond Betancourt said...

HollyGL- Awww....go on!

Jaesoreal- With or without those parachute pants?

Loz- Thank you kindly.

Wonder- Thanks W...twisted is what I do.

robkroese said...

Funky Cold Medina was about a transsexual?! That was my class song.

Anonymous said...

I find that taking the bus down Memory Lane is far less exhausting than strolling.

Raymond Betancourt said...

Diesel- You must have an interesting prom.

Lord Likely- Not to mention the bonus of being able to run over people you don't remember all that fondly.

Anonymous said...

Kung-Fu fighting came out when you were junior high?'re old! :)

I had no idea about Funky Cold Medina either. My youth has been tarnished now. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Raymond Betancourt said...

Jenna- Watch it there youngster, or I'll hit you with my walker! :)

Anonymous said...

Please don't forget to do the jitterbug in mustkrat land... oh I hate I know those lyrics..

Sweet and Salty said...

I LOVED Kung Fu Fighting! Very fun song, after a few beers... (hee hee)

One of my favorites was 867-5309 (Jenny I got your number...)

Paul FooDaddy Brand said...

Oh, mister Mix-a-Lot! You and your songs about the buttocks!