Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Thinning the herd...

"Don’t try this at home!"…I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase more times than you can count. Whenever someone on television is about to do anything dangerous, someone else on the show is bound to utter some variation of those infamous words. They do this even when it’s extremely unlikely that anyone could attempt it even if they wanted to…
"We are just moments away from ‘Mad’ Max Borstein’s attempt to disarm a nuclear warhead while strapped to the wing of an F-16 fighter jet as it soars over Antarctica, but remember ‘Mad’ Max is a trained professional and under no circumstances should you try this stunt on your own!"

Don’t misunderstand me, when it comes to kids I’m all for warning them against doing risky and stupid things, but as far as full-grown adults are concerned…I’m not so sure. I mean, if people who should know better want to attach rockets to their cars and try to jump over a canyon because they saw someone else do it on TV, maybe we should let them. Hell, as long as they do it where they can’t hurt anyone else, we should probably encourage them. If they haven’t reproduced yet, so much the better…think of it as putting a little chlorine in the gene pool.

In case you’re thinking that I’m being too hard on stupid people, remember I’m only talking about those individuals who are imitating stunts they’ve seen on television or the movies. People who get hurt doing things that they thought of themselves, like using gasoline to start the family barbecue, asking Mike Tyson for an autograph or going hunting with Dick Cheney…well, that’s a different matter entirely. Oh, by the way… my burns are healing nicely.


puppytoes said...

okay...now i have to add you to my sidebar, because you are too dang funny to miss! (at the risk of sounding like even more of a tv junkie than i already do, reno 911 did a great "take" on your premise in their first season... the officers caught a bunch of kids trying to do bicycle stunts (i think that's what it was) off a roof, and kind of "egged" them on... it was hysterical)

'course i happen to be the parent of someone who -- on any given day -- might be tempted to partake in such risky behavior, so it might be my gene pool that gets wiped out (figuratively and literally). sigh

Raymond Betancourt said...

Hi puppytoes, (now there's a phrase I never thought I would use)thanks for visiting and as far as your TV addiction is concerned...you've got a lot of company:)